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The Syllabus contains the following directions:
  1. Structural Geology and Stratigraphy
  2. Applied Geology
  3. Mineralogy-Petrology
  4. Economic Geology
  5. Geophysics
  6. Meteorology and Climatology
  7. Environmental Geography

Students must select one of these directions. For each direction there is a list of relative optional courses. Students must succeed at least in a number of these course collecting 35 credits. In addition, they can attend and succeed in courses of other directions. Apparently, some optional courses are common in more than two directions. In this manner students have wider option of choosing or, if they want, changing their directions. 

1. Structural Geology and Stratigraphy
Code Course Semester
GGG 429E Micropalaeontology 4th
GGP 432E Seismic Methods of Geophysical Prospecting 4th
GMC 433E Geological Data Analysis 4th
GGN 539E Foreign Language Geological Terminology I 5th
GGG 544E Palaeoanthropology 5th
GGN 651E Foreign Language Geological Terminology II 6th
GMO 652E Petrogenesis of Igneous Rocks 6th
GGP 654E Applied Seismology and Environment 6th
GGE 656E Digital Cartography and Geographical Information Systems (G.I.S.) 6th
GMO 761E Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks 7th
GGP 762E Electromagnetic Methods of Geophysical Prospecting 7th
GGG 764E Neotectonics 7th
GGE 770E Remote Sensing in Geosciences 7th
GGG 875E Drilling Techniques 8th
GGG 879E Topics in Geology 8th
GGG 882E Geothermal Energy 8th
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2. Applied Geology
Code Course Semester
GGN 323E Mathematics III 3rd
GMC 433E Geological Data Analysis 4th
GMC 543E Hydrometeorology 5th
GGE 656E Digital Cartography and Geographical Information Systems (G.I.S.) 6th
GGP 762E Electromagnetic Methods of Geophysical Prospecting 7th
GGG 763E Groundwater Exploitation and Management 7th
GGG 764E Neotectonics 7th
GGE 770E Remote Sensing to Geosciences 7th
GGG 875E Drilling Techniques 8th
GGG 879E Topics in Geology 8th
GGG 881E Geological - Environmental Surveys of Constructions 8th
GGG 882E Geothermal Energy 8th
GGG 883E Rock and Soil Mechanics 8th
GGG 887E Sanitary Landfills 8th
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3. Mineralogy-Petrology 
Code Course Semester
GGN 215E Physical Chemistry 2nd
GGN 107E Analytical Chemistry 3rd
GGN 430E Crystal Structure 3rd
GMO 324E Laboratory Methods on Studying Minerals and Rocks 4th
GGN 539E Foreign Language Geological Terminology I 5th
GMO 542E Geochronology 5th
GGN 651E Foreign Language Geological Terminology II 6th
GMO 652E Petrogenesis of Igneous Rocks 6th
GMO 653E Applied - Environmental Geochemistry 6th
GGE 656E Digital Cartography and Geographical Information Systems (G.I.S.) 6th
GMO 761E Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks 7th
GMO 765E Volcanology 7th
GGE 770E Remote Sensing in Geosciences 7th
GMO 878E Topics in Mineralogy - Petrology - Economic Geology 8th
GGG 882E Geothermal Energy 8th
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4. Economic Geology 
Code Course Semester
GGN 215E Physical Chemistry 2nd
GGN 107E Analytical Chemistry 3rd
GMO 324E Laboratory Methods on Studying Minerals and Rocks 4th
GMO 541E Industrial Minerals and Rocks 5th
GMO 542E Geochronology 5th
GMO 652E Petrogenesis of Igneous Rocks 6th
GMO 653E Applied - Environmental Geochemistry 6th
GGE 656E Digital Cartography and Geographical Information Systems (G.I.S.) 6th
GMO 760E Petroleum Geology 7th
GGP 762E Electromagnetic Methods of Geophysical Prospecting 7th
GGE 770E Remote Sensing to Geosciences 7th
GMO 874E Coal Geology 8th
GGG 875E Drilling Techniques 8th
GMO 878E Topics in Mineralogy - Petrology - Economic Geology 8th
GMO 885E Mining Geology - Restoration of Quarries and Mines 8th
GMO 886E Economic Geology 8th
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5. Geophysics 
Code Course Semester
Code Course Semester
GGN 323E Mathematics III 3rd
GGP 432E Seismic Methods of Geophysical Prospecting 4th
GGP 433E Geological Data Analysis 4th
GGN 539E Foreign Language Geological Terminology I 5th
GGP 540E Mechanical Oscillations and Elastic Waves 5th
GGN 651E Foreign Language Geological Terminology ÉÉ 6th
GGP 655E Applied Seismology and Environment 6th
GGP 654E Gravity and Magnetic Methods of Geophysical Prospecting 6th
GGE 656E Digital Cartography & Geographical Information Systems (G.I.S.) 6th 
GGP 762E Electromagnetic Methods of Geophysical Prospecting 7th
GGG 764E Neotectonics 7th
GGP 876E Topics in Geophysics 8th
GGG 882E Geothermal Energy 8th
GGG 883E Rock and Soil Mechanics 8th
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6. Meteorology and Climatology 
Code Course Semester
GGN 323E Mathematics III 3rd
GMC 431E Climatology - Climate of Mediterranean and Greece 4th
GGP 433E Geological Data Analysis 4th
GMC 543E Hydrometeorology 5th
GGN 651E Foreign Language Geological Terminology ÉÉ 6th
GGE 656E Digital Cartography and Geographical Information Systems (G.I.S.) 6th
GMC 657E Historical Climatology with Elements of Palaeoclimatology 6th
GGG 763E Groundwater Exploitation and Management 7th
GMC 766E Atmospheric Pollution and Climatic Changes 7th
GMC 767E Applied and Dynamic Climatology 7th
GGE 768E Oceanography 7th
GGE 770E Remote Sensing to Geosciences 7th
GMC 877E Topics in Meteorology - Climatology 8th
GMC 884E Synoptic and Dynamic Meteorology 8th
GGG 887E Sanitary Landfills 8th
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7. Environmental Geography 
Code Course Semester
GMC 431E Climatology - Climate of Mediterranean and Greece 4th
GMC 543E Hydrometeorology 5th
GMO 653E Applied - Environmental Geochemistry 6th
GGP 654E Applied Seismology and Environment 6th
GGE 656E Digital Cartography and Geographical Information Systems (G.I.S.) 6th
GGG 763E Groundwater Exploitation and Management 7th
GGG 764E Neotectonics 7th
GMC 766E Atmospheric Pollution and Climatic Changes 7th
GGE 768E Oceanography 7th
GGE 769E Physical and Anthropogene Environment 7th
GGE 770E Remote Sensing to Geosciences 7th
GGE 880E Topics in Geography 8th
GGG 881E Geological - Environmental Surveys of Constructions 8th
GGG 882E Geothermal Energy 8th
GMO 885E Mining Geology - Restoration of Quarries and Mines 8th
GGG 887E Sanitary Landfills 8th

Students can also choose the course «Innovation and Entrepreneurship» (8th semester) irrespective of the direction of their choice.

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