School of Geology was founded in 1973 when the former
School of Natural Sciences, already operating since
1943, was divided in two new Schools, namely the School
of Geology and the School of Biology.
The School of Geology belongs to the the Faculty
of Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
founded in 1925. The Laboratory of Geology, Petrology
and Mineralogy as well as the Laboratory of Meteorology
and Climatology started operating during the academic
year 1928-29.
The scientific fields of the School are: Palaeontology,
Stratigraphy, Structural Geology, Physical Geography,
Applied Geology, Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology,
Geothermics, Mineralogy, Petrology, Economic Geology,
Geochemistry, Industrial Minerals and Rocks, Fossil
Fuels, Geophysics, Seismology, Climatology, Meteorology
and Environmental Geology.
School of Geology presents significant activities. Its
teaching staff elaborates many research programs usually
in collaboration with different national and international
institutions and organizations. The School of Geology
is among the first ten schools (out of 46) of the Aristotle
University concerning the total budget of its projects.
Its teaching and research staff publishes annually numerous
papers in international and national scientific journals.
Approximately 70 PhD theses are elaborated annually.
The School of Geology has successfully organized many
international and national congresses and meetings.
Today, the total number of undergraduate students
studying in the School of Geology is approximately 1200.
The School of Geology since its foundation, has been
offering postgraduate studies leading to Doctoral Degrees.
Since the academic year 1995-96, two postgraduate programs
are offered one in Geology and one in Meteorology and
Climatology leading to MSc and PhD degrees.