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5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology

Thessaloniki, Greece, 14-20 April 2004


Welcome to the web site of the 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology (5th ISEMG). It will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 14-20 April 2004. 5th ISEMG intends to provide an important discussion point for researchers on all aspects of earth sciences. Its programme includes eleven high interest topics, with seven complementary specialized symposia.  The official language of the symposium is English.

5th ISEMG is a joint event with the 10th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece.

Instructions for presentations

Oral Presentations – Talks will be strictly limited to 15 minutes including discussion. Key-note presentations will have duration of 20 minutes. Datashow (PC-compatible), slide and overhead projectors will be available in the lecture rooms. Speakers are strongly encouraged to prepare their presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint software. Presentations (either on CD or sorted slides) should be delivered to the relevant reception desk at least 20 minutes before the beginning of each session 


Poster Presentations – For each poster, individual freestanding display boards will be available. The maximum effective area of the display boards is 110 cm wide and 140 cm high. Posters should clearly indicate the title of contribution and the name(s) and affiliations of author(s). Authors are expected to post their posters at 09:00 and remove them at 20:30. In case there are some posters remaining after 20:30, they will be removed by reception desk staff and the authors may retrieve them during the following day. Mounting pins, scotch tape etc. will be available on request.



15 March 2004: The presentation schedule is released.
16 February 2004: Instructions to authors have been released.
16 November 2003: Two-week extension to the submission deadline.
1 June 2003: The Second Circular is released.
31 March 2003: Pre-registration statistics. 224 participants coming from 34 countries have pre-registered.

Map of the city

Click here to download a map with the 5th ISEMG locations.

5th ISEMG is supported by the following sponsors:

Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs.
Egnatia Odos A.E.
University of Macedonia.
Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest.
Geotechnical Chamber of Greece.
Titan Group of Companies.
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
OTM Ltd.
ERASMUS Bookstore.
Gamma 4 Ltd.
Marathon Data Systems.
S&B Industrial Minerals SA.
LARCO General Mining and Metallurgical Company.
ZOElectronic Ltd.

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This site was last updated 04/05/04 . For comments contact Alexandros Chatzipetros ([email protected]).